Mr. Robert Dude: Sveiki, kaip laikotės? Aš esu Robert Dude ir turiu Jums labai svarbų verslo pasiūlymą.
Mike Nash: Leisi spėti? Turi milijonus dolerių kuriuos norėtum man duoti, bet aš jų negausiu. vietoje tu mane apiplėši su mokesčių afera
Mr. Robert Dude: Taip, tu teisus
Mike Nash: Na, vertinu tavo sąžiningumą
Mr. Robert Dude: Nėr už ką. Malonu šnekėtis su tavimi
Mike Nash: Sėkmės randant kvailį
Mr. Robert Dude: Ačiū, žmogau
Šiuolaikinė pasakėčia mus moko, kad tais atvejais kai kyla įtarimas jog žmogus ketina Jus apgauti, tereikia apie tai paklausti jį patį 🙂
Beje ir man pačiam teko susidurti su panašias sukčiais, tiesa per e-paštą. Gavau ilgą laišką, jog viename Anglijos banke per metinį auditą rasta 230 milijonų svarų kurių savininkas miręs, o artimieji apie pinigus nieko nežino. Banko darbuotojas prašo manęs pagalbos pervedant pinigus į saugią sąskaitą, už tai aš gaučiau 45% tos sumos 😀
Radau tą laišką, pacituosiu, gal kam bus įdomu:
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Frank Doney <> Date: Sun, 3 Aug 2008 18:48:06 +0000 Subject: CONTACT: MR. FRANK DONEY {READ & REPLY To: Financial Expert/Oakhill House, 130 Tonbridge Road , Hildenborough, Tonbridge , Kent TN11 9DZ , United Kingdom . I am aware that this is certainly an unconventional approach to starting a relationship. I am Mr. Frank Doney, Financial Expert worked with prime Banks here in United Kingdom as Financial Consultant Auditor. I will be happy if we can do business together in good faith and this proposal will be of mutual benefit for us. I have a business proposal in the tune of £230,000.000.00-[Two Hundred & Thirty Million British Pounds Sterling} to be transferred to any safe account with your assistance. I have every possibility & advantages for the proceeds of this account to be paid to you and then both of us can share the money, 55% to me and 45% to you. Can I trust you on this? I had discussed this issue privately with the Top Bank Director and he agreed to help and have instructed me to look for a foreigner who will be trusted and capable to handle this transaction so that we can transfer this money out from UK . I guarantee that this will be executed under a concrete special arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is hitch-free and you should not entertain any fears as the required arrangements have been made for the completion of this transfer. This money was secretly deposited and placed for an Investment before the late holder died and none of his families or relatives knows about this money, so it's discovered during an annual audition. If you can be trusted and capable to handle this business with me in full confidence & trust, please send me the following information for documentation purpose: (1). Full names: (2). Private phone numbers: (3). Current residential address: (4). Occupation: (5). Age and Sex: {6}.Your Full Banking Coordinates as follows. Bank Name: Bank Address: Account No: Account Holder's Name: More Information about yourself ETC. I look forward hearing from you. Kind Regards. Mr. Frank Doney.